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Comprehensive Comparisons

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Keyword Trends

Access a curated list of top-performing keywords. See the total sales and quantity sold over various periods. Add interesting keywords to the Explore section for further analysis and strategy refinement.

Product Map

Track America`s shopping trends with a real-time dynamic map. Visualize product movement and purchases across the nation. Use filters by category, destination, and price, or the search bar to uncover emerging opportunities.

Customizable Data Reports

Request customized reports tailored to your business needs. Select categories and time frames to get detailed graphs and comparative insights. Affordable, on-demand analysis helps refine your market strategy with precision.

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Bathroom Tissue
3-month period
3-month period
Facial Moisturizers
3-month period

We track millions of products to give you a solid foundation for smarter decisions

Frequently asked question

What is Zipurch?
How does the Product Map work?
What is the Explore feature?
What can I find in Keyword Trends?
How do Reports work?
How often is the data updated?
How many products does Zipurch analyze?
Can I try Zipurch for free?
Who can benefit from using Zipurch?
How do I get started?